Weather App


Project Overview

overview of the current project

This project is my practice with NextJS. I wanted to really get the hang of using NextJS, jest Testing and use all of what Next JS has to offer for API testing. This project is something I would like CI/CD as well as try new things.

Technology Used:

  • NextJS (ver. 11)
  • Weather API
  • Jest



For this project I wanted to keep things simple. I needed a large piece of data that an API had access to, something that was updated frequently, dynamic and free if possible.

Objective 1: Users should be able to query data

I wanted a minimalistic design and to really push this API to see what it has to offer. Right off the bat I wanted to make it intuitive for the user to immediately.

Objective 2: Continuous Integration and deployment of new features

As it stands the MVP is made. Users can successfully query data on a city. The API offers a lot more and even forecasts. Eventually when I have time I want to build upon this project. I also am trying to improve GitHub usage and will use release branches on significant releases.


I have not done substantial user research as I'd like. This application was more to showcase my uses of NextJS, jest testing and an API I haven't used before. But if I do share this web app with friends for feedback and suggestions. Although there is little I can do with a weather app.


Right now, this application in v1.0 is functional and does query for data. I want to improve and provide more data forecast to users, and dynamically change the background to day / night depending on time of day.


This project is far from done. Whenever I have free time, I will incorporate more. Primarily the benefit of this was for me to get a better handle on NextJS since I used to use CRA (Create React App) a lot.

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